Professional Respect Resources

IASPM-ANZ is committed to ensuring our communication channels, conferences, and all activities related to our organisation are safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments.  

The below resources have been shared to support our members in identifying and responding to bullying and harassment. This is an ongoing project and evolving space, and if you would like to suggest further resources please contact our web officer. 

If you are in need of any help for any reason, please remember that there are services available across Australia and Aotearoa. 

In NZ:

  • Safe-to-Talk 0800 044 334/ txt 4334 and HELP Auckland 0800 623 1700 are 24/7 services that can offer support and can help you find a service that is close to you. You do not have to give your name if you want to remain anonymous.

  • Soundcheck Aotearoa provides sexual harm support and prevention training for musicians and music industry workers across the motu, as well as targeted regional support:

In Australia:

  • Lifeline provides 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention services. Call 13 11 14, text on 0477 13 11 14 (12pm to midnight AEST) or chat online.

  • Support Act provide wellbeing support for the music community, including targeted and intersectional assistance for artists and arts workers:

At your institution: 


Bystander intervention – how to say something when you see something inappropriate.

Provided by Soundcheck Aotearoa. 


Identifying and defining sexual harassment

Provided by Soundcheck Aotearoa


Aotearoa/New Zealand: Continuum of workplace behaviours – bullying and harassment

Provided by Soundcheck Aotearoa


Australia: Workplace Bullying, Violence, and Harassment Fact Sheet


Receiving Disclosures – what to do if someone tells you about sexual harassment/abuse.

Provided by Soundcheck Aotearoa


Respectful Communication

While the primary purpose and focus of our organisation is academic exchange and discourse, we acknowledge that some of the topics raised in various ways can potentially cause harm to some of our members. We don't want to isolate or exclude members, and we also have a duty of care to respectfully address content that may be harmful. The above resource provides guidelines on how to approach such communications.